In 2022, I have had many achievements that I am thankful for and decided to "Make Every Second Count" which I wanted to share with you. In February, I had the amazing opportunity to get back on stage and tell my story to a room full of people at the BTBY: Overcoming Challenges Event. In that 40 minutes on stage, I shared the struggles of being hit by a semi and living through it, only to have to relearn basic life skills. I am thankful that I have had the strength to not only survive the things that I heard I was never supposed to, but to take the negative that was said and turn it into my mantra for life, proving people wrong. I am thankful that I have a mission to share with those that I encounter from the stage, as well as those I meet on the street. I take the time to share that message and my testimony to those young and old. In September, I was invited to the BTBY Virtual stage to share my story again and inspire others to overcome their challenges. Throughout 2022, I spoke at the Community Center in Troy, Ohio, at the YMCA in Sidney, Ohio. I continue to speak at the Drive Alive Program in Dayton, Ohio at the Miami Valley Hospital (something that I have been doing for 19 years). This year, for the first time, I got to speak to two classrooms full of 6th graders at Piqua Central Intermediate School. I was interviewed for BTBY TV and on numerous podcasts. To finish my year of speaking tomorrow, December 13th, I will speak at the Black Swamp Safety Council Convention.
In this year, I have also been in two feature articles, the first was on CanvasRebel and the second was on VoyageSTL. I have taken each of these opportunities to share my story with a larger audience and hope that this will lead to more speaking engagements.
The stage and magazine articles are not the only place that I have been able to highlight other people's mission and vision to change the world because of the things that they have encountered in their lives through the Make Every Second Count Show which airs every Tuesday Evening at 7 pm EST.
The most recent and last thing that I have been working on to close out the year has been adding to my store so that all of you have some new "Make Every Second Count" swag to add to your day as a reminder to not let the seconds pass without making the most of those seconds.